Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stormy Eyes

Today I decided to do a self-portrait since I have never put one on the blog before. Unfortunately I do not have my good camera (Canon 50D) on me at the moment so I had to use my little point and shoot. I just took a plain old shot of my eye and then photoshopped the heck out of it - I'm really not sure why my eye came out green; it is super blue in the original and I turned all of the Lightroom controls to blue but I still think this looks really cool. The insides of my eye look look like a storm with lightning. I love it! One love <3


  1. I love this Ange.....way to go! It almost looks like you have green contacts! Love, mom

  2. I love this Ange.....way to go! It almost looks like you have green contacts!
