Monday, September 28, 2009

Ocean Oasis

I totally had a different picture in mind for today but my experience this morning made me put up a beach picture. I woke up at 6:30 am to surf beofre school. I was sitting on my board in the ocean at Sunset Beach (Huntington, Ca) looking out to see and waiting for a good wave when I saw a huge pod of dolphins feeding. The sky faded from a light purple to the cloudy overcast blue as the sun was rising. It was so amazing to be surfing next to dolphins that were so close! It felt like nothing else was in the world except water, dolphins, and some good waves to surf. I seriously wish I had a waterproof camera to take pictures like that, however I do not, so I guess this picture will do for today!!!! One love <3


  1. What an experience! Yeah, a waterproof camera would be awesome, especially where you live now. Someday!

  2. For sure!! I'll buy one when i'm not a poor starving college kid! :)

  3. Sounds like the hard knock college life!
