Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rustic Light

On my latest trip to Long Beach, I drove up to Redondo Beach to take some cool pictures of the surf. It was so overcast that the pictures weren't anything to be proud of. Walking back to my car, however, I did find this really old (and rusty) lamp. Who knows if it even works but I do know that it made a very shnazzy photo!

The bottom picture is the only other good photo I got at Redondo Beach. I have been a Lifeguard for 3 years now so I absolutely love this picture of the Lifeguard station looking out at the surf.

Let me know how you like them!


Monday, August 24, 2009


This beautiful flower was found in downtown Long Beach, Ca while I was actually looking for a job. I always have my camera with me for great opportunities like this! What a find! <3

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cool Cove

While driving along Highway 1, I saw this amazing view. I pulled over and walked out to a beautiful cove. I have never seen a more breath taking view. This cove was about 30 miles south of Half Moon Bay. I could have stood out there and watched the ocean forever. This was taken with my 10-22mm lens for the wide-angle affect. Let me know how you like it. Thanks! <3

Morning Blossom

This photograph was taken in Malibu, Ca on my most recent road trip. I drove from Los Angeles to Sacramento taking the beautiful (but long) Highway 1. This gorgeous hibiscus was right on the beach and it was again taken with my wonderful macro lens. Please let me know how you like it. <3

Friday, August 21, 2009

First Post

Welcome to my blog! Here is the first photo! I took this picture at my house with my Canon 50D. I got the inspiration for a background I saw on my iPhone. I love pictures with hearts so this was a good shot for me. It was, of course, taken with my macro lens. The ring in the photo was given to me at high school graduation. It says "Be the Change You Wish to See in the World" (Ghandi).